Student Outreach

April 26, 2023 | 7:30 AM – 2:30 PM | Graduate Minneapolis

加入网赌平台破解软件,与行业领导者一起度过一个充满乐趣的一天,参与竞争 & developmental activities and winning cash prizes! LTA是学生促进专业发展的机会, build long-lasting relationships, collaborate with the community, and explore new opportunities. With a jam-packed schedule, 学生们带着战略性的收获和人脉离开,为他们未来的成功铺平道路.

Location: Graduate Minneapolis, 615 Washington Ave SE, Minneapolis, MN 55414

Industry Professional – Member – $75
Industry Professional – Nonmember – $100

Students $25
Faculty $50

 Schedule Overview
 Future Leaders Competition will take place during this schedule, students will be assigned times after registration.
7:15–8:00 am Check-In and Onsite Registration
8:00–8:35 am Opening Remarks & Networking Kick-off Challenge
8:45–9:45 am
Education Session #1 – Networking 101: Find the Spark
9:45–10:15 am  Break
10:15–11:15 am 教育环节#2 -提高员工敬业度、成长和保留率
11:15–11:45 am Break
11:45 am–12:45 pm Lunch
1:00–2:00 pm Keynote Speaker: Jay Gubrud
2:00–2:30 pm Awards Ceremony
 Future Leaders Challenge Event Schedule
8:15 am–12:15 pm Pursuit Competition (30-minute sessions)
9:30–11:30 am  Negotiation Competition (20-minute sessions)
8:40 am–11:40 am Job Interview (15-minute sessions)
9:15–11:45 am Freeform Presentation (10-minute sessions)
9:30–11:30 am   Table Topics Event (10-minute sessions)
8:45 am–11:45 am Leadership Lounge Presentations

作为赞助商,您可以帮助领导力培训学院成为网赌平台破解软件未来行业专业人士难忘的活动! Become a sponsor today!

General Sponsorships

  • Event/Keynote Sponsor – $5,000
  • Platinum Sponsor – SOLD OUT!
  • Gold Sponsor – $1,100
  • AV Sponsor – $900
  • App Sponsor – $750
  • Silver Sponsor – $550
  • Lunch Sponsor – $400
  • Bronze Sponsor – $300
  • Coffee Break Sponsor – $250
  • Supporter – $150

Construct*ium Future Leaders Challenge Sponsorships

(Limited to 1 company for each competition)

  • Freeform Presentation Competition – SOLD!
  • Job Interview – SOLD!
  • Leadership Lounge – SOLD!
  • Negotiation Competition – SOLD!
  • Pursuit Competition – SOLD!
  • Table Topics Competition – SOLD!

Sponsorship Benefits

  • Company logo displayed during the presentations
  • Recognition on the MCA and Construct*ium websites
  • Company name announced during the presentations
  • Recognition in MCA’s Construction Views Newsletter and email promotions
  • Each company sponsoring at a level of $2,500名及以上的高管有机会邀请公司的新兴专业人士在领导力休息室就领导力主题进行15分钟的演讲.  Only available to sponsors who have paid by March 1, 2023. 演讲公司也将有一个虚拟展台,在那里他们的演讲者可以与与会者互动并回答任何额外的问题.  参加活动的公司必须在活动日期前一个月参加准备会议.
  • One (1) ad in MCA’s Construction Views Newsletter based on sponsorship level:
    • Future Leaders Challenge, Event & Platinum Sponsors – 1 full-page ad (value $300)
    • Gold Sponsors – 1/3-page ad (value $125)
    • Silver Sponsors – 1/9-page ad (value $75)
  • 根据赞助级别免费注册活动:
    • Event/Keynote Sponsor – 5 registrations
    • Platinum Sponsors – 3 registrations
    • Gold Sponsors – 2 registrations
    • Silver Sponsors – 1 registration
    • Lunch Sponsor- 1 registration
    • AV Sponsor – 1 registration
    • App Sponsor – 1 registration
Future Leaders Challenge Events

每个参加领导力学院的学生必须参加至少一个未来领袖挑战赛的活动. 活动时间将由MCA工作人员分配,并在活动前一周通过电子邮件发送给学生.


Freeform Presentation Competition

Focused on talking points and engagement with the audience

Sponsored by Rochon

自由形式的演讲为学生提供了在建筑行业中展示他们选择的主题的机会. 鼓励使用演示材料和视觉辅助工具,但不是比赛所必需的. 这种非正式风格的演讲侧重于学生与观众的参与和互动, knowledge of talking points, and a professional approach. Each presentation will be approximately 5-7 minutes.  *Students will need to bring a PPT on a flash drive.

Job Interview

Interviewing skills developmental experience

Sponsored by Kraus-Anderson

该活动包括两部分:简历审查和模拟面试(学生必须携带简历参加活动,以获得简历反馈)。. The mock interview, 由具有丰富面试经验的建筑专业人士进行, 让学生参加真正的工作面试并获得可操作性, on the spot, feedback. 学生可能会被问到现实生活中基于行为的面试问题,就像他们在面试工作时要回答的问题一样. 反馈将围绕他们如何很好地展示自己的身体和语言,以及他们如何使用现实生活中的例子来展示经验或熟练掌握某项技能或能力.

Check out MCA’s guide How to Ace Your Job Interview for tips and to help you prepare for this competition.


Leadership Lounge
Sponsored by OECS

领导休息室将为年轻的专业人士和学生提供小组交流和学习机会,在他们预定的比赛和/或一般会议演讲之间. 鼓励学生携带简历副本,在领导休息区与公司分享.

Negotiation Skills Competition


Sponsored by Adolfson & Peterson Construction

这次比赛为学生提供了一个真实的机会来提高他们的谈判技巧. Prior to the event, 注册的学生将获得有关建筑索赔的详细信息-涉及各方的清单, a copy of the contracts, and foundation of the claim. 索赔细节将在比赛中随机抽取,并作为谈判主题. 每个学生将被分配一个角色,需要根据正在讨论的细节来捍卫和协商最好的结果. View the Negotiation Exercise.

The Pursuit

Sponsored by Ryan Companies

The Pursuit(前身为Capstone竞赛)要求学生创造并展示一个完整的方案,以赢得一个实际项目的合同. 5-6人一组的学生需要提交资格证书, cost, 为项目制定时间表和项目工作计划,并提交给专业评审团, who will judge and select the winners. 请注意,本次比赛没有“注册日”. Teams need to be pre-selected from each school to participate.

Table Topics

Thinking on your feet, public speaking developmental experience

Sponsored by Arthur, Chapman, Kettering, Smetak & Pikala, P.A.

Using the Toastmaster format, 学生将被提供一个主题,并就该主题发言1-2分钟. 这些主题通常与建筑相关,并将为学生提供一个机会,以有组织和简洁的方式展示该主题的一些知识. 学生们将会收到关于他们独立思考能力的反馈,并在规定的时间内清晰地表达自己的想法.

Keynote & Panel Presentations

人际交往过去被认为是理所当然的,但疫情改变了这一切. Now that we are finally able to gather again, 你可能会对与他人交往感到有些生疏或焦虑.

“成为一个联系人”是关于加强人际关系,并为你遇到的人的成功做出贡献. 这是一种把对方的最大利益放在心上的社交形式. At the same time, it can bring you immense satisfaction, increase your visibility, 推进你的事业,把重要的知识传授给你周围的人.

成为一个连接器是一个简单而强大的过程,大多数人都这样做,不管他们是否意识到这一点. Some do it well and others will want to do it even better. 在这些课程中,网赌平台破解软件将在今天的三个课程中掌握“连接”.


  1. Education Session #1 – Networking 101: Find the Spark
    1. Avoid the top 2 mistakes when networking.
    2. Understand the #1 thing other people value most.
  2. 教育环节#2 -提高员工敬业度、成长和保留率
    1. Learn ways to improve employee engagement, growth, and retention
    2. 向行业专家学习建议——经验丰富的专业人士和职业生涯的早期.
    3. Hear about success stories.
  3. Keynote Speaker: Jay Gubrud – Be a Connector
    1. Understand the many benefits of connecting.
    2. Discover the 3 essential keys to being a successful connector.
    3. Find out how to keep the connection alive over time.

Thank You Sponsors!

Platinum Sponsor

Job Interview

Leadership Lounge

Freeform Competition

Table Topics Competition

Pursuit Competition

Negotiation Competition

Gold Sponsor

Gold Sponsor

Gold Sponsor

Gold Sponsor

Gold Sponsor

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